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Waterwells Primary Academy


We also communicate to parents via Class Dojo, as well as the My Child at School (MCAS) app. Detailed below are the different types of ways we communicate.

General information

  • Newsletters x 2 per half-term. Please click here to view or download. 
  • Class Dojo posts on the home page and class page (where applicable).
  • My Child at School (MCAS) app messages.
  • Parent information sessions (offered for new initiatives – e.g. Restorative practice / behaviour).
  • Meet new teacher/year group talks – July each year as part of transition (covers Year group expectations, homework, curriculum).
  • Separate letters where required – for example: staffing updates.

Key general information available on this school website

Information on pupil's progress

  • October – Parents’ evenings.
  • March – Parents’ evenings July – written end of year report.
  • July - Parents’ evening for any parents with concerns about their child’s written report.
  • SATs (standardised assessment test) results are reported for applicable year groups (Year 2 and Year 6).
  • Phonics screening check outcome reported for applicable Year group (Year 1).
  • Once per full term – book look after school for parents to view pupils’ books.
  • Weekly texts sent to parents for pupils in the Good News Book and for those pupils who have earned the most BEST points in their class that week.
  • Termly Good news certificate assemblies – parents welcome to attend (and parents notified in advance by text if their child is receiving a certificate.

Communication as a two-way process

  • Parents can at any point request to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns. Just ask your child’s class teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet, and they will be willing to do so.
  • Staff are available at the door to leave messages in the morning and to communicate with at the end of the day (once pupils have been sent to parents).

Information on events

  • September – year calendar of key events sent out with the first newsletter (also available on the school website in the section ‘letters and newsletters').
  • Two newsletters per half-term, which detail dates and events for each half-term. The newsletter goes out in the first week of each half-term and a review newsletter is sent out in the last week of each half-term.
  • All newsletters are available here on this school website.
  • Newsletters will be sent out to parents via the My Child at School MCAS) app.
  • Additional messages are sent as reminders for most events via MCAS. (Please ensure your contact details are correct via the Data Collection Form on MCAS).
  • Trips and sporting events/matches – separate letters are sent for these events, as they require parental signatures for participation.